Sunday, March 6, 2011

Interview With Becki Doll

We are back this week with another amazing model. I have only had the chance to shoot with her once at a car show, but I would love to work with her one on one. You will see why I think she is so amazing from the pics below. Becki has many styles, and excels at all of them. She is a true "Doll"

1. What is the meaning behind your name?

For whatever reason, people have always called me "Doll" so when it was time to create a Modeling name, this seemed suitable and it looked Great with my first name. 

2. Where were you born, and grow up?

Born and raised in York, Pa

3. How old were you when you starting modeling? 

I did some stuff as a child. But the first big "job" was when I was 15. I did Runway shows for Fashion Bug. That's what got it all started. I've been in the Business ever since. 

 4. What made you want to be a model?

I've been told my whole life that I have an Interesting and Unique look. I was always approached about being/becoming a Model so I decided to give it a shot

5. What style do you prefer when modeling?

I don't have a set style to my Modeling. I've done Commercial, Runway, Glamor etc. When I'm able to express myself, I like to show my "Rock "N" Roll" edge.  

6. Is modeling a full time job? If not what else do you do? 

I Modeled part time for 13 years. I had so many prospects with it that I have been doing it full time now for the last 2 years. 

  7. What type of photographer do you like. One that directs every move, or one that lets you just do your own thing?

I like to do my own thing because I know what works best for my body but I also like taking direction because I want the Photographer's vision to become a reality. 

 8. What do you like best. To shoot on set, or to shoot on location, and why?

Set shoots are nice because they offer consistent lighting and for the colder weather, they're always preferred to me but I also like to shoot on location because it gives you an array of backgrounds to choose from.

9. Do you go on shoots alone, or do you take an escort?

I have attended shoots alone. These are the ones where I'm comfortable with the Photographer and I know what to expect. I've also taken bodyguards/escorts with me on occasion because of not being sure what I would encounter. 

 10. How do your parents feel about you being a model?

My Mom and my Dad are very Proud of me and are well pleased with my accomplishments. Ultimately, they just want me to be happy with whatever I choose to do. 

11. Do like to work alone, or do you mind working with other models?

I prefer to work alone but there are also times that group shots can be very fun and create an amazing photo. 

12. Sexual Orientation?
I am happily engaged to a Wonderful Man. That being said, I can also appreciate women on occasion too. 

13. Do you like working with  male or female models better?

I've worked with Both. I can't say that I have a preference. 

14. What is your favorite junk or comfort food?

For as silly as it sounds, I love potato chips. When I was a kid, we weren't allowed to have junk food in the house so I make sure there's always chips in my cupboard.  

15. What do you sleep in?

My Birthday Suit. ;-)

16.  Dogs or Cats?

Both. We have 3 Cats and 2 English Bulldogs. I Love all of them equally.  

How many tattoos do you have?

8 (nowhere near done with my ink)

 18. Showers or Baths?

I prefer Bubble Baths but showers are the typical day to day time savers.  

19. When you are in front of the camera what do you feel?

When I'm in front of the camera, I feel Gratified. I'm doing what I love and I want that to convey in my photos

 20. What do you like to do on your days off?

 On my days off, I catch up on my shows that I've missed. I also like playing video games and shooting pool. Most importantly, I enjoy spending time with my kids. And since it's not all fun and games, there's usually some sort of housework that needs to be done also. 

21. Do you like interacting with your fans?

Love my Fans. I couldn't do what I do without them. I make it a point to get back to everyone that takes the time to compliment my work. Even if it's a simple "Thank You", I want them to know that they are Appreciated. 

 22. How do you deal with fans that become let's say a problem?

I've been lucky to not have "wacky" fans. On the rare occasion that I've had a problem, I've asked them to respect me or they will be removed from my networking circles. i.e. Facebook, Model Mayhem

23. Are you single?

Not Single. I've been with my Fiance since since August 19, 2006. We got engaged December 23, 2007. When we get married, it's gonna be HUGE. ;-) 

 24. T.V Or Computer?

I enjoy both but I'm probably on the Computer more than I get to watch T.V.  

 25. Have you had a bad experience during a photo shoot?

 Yes. I've had a Photographer want to physically pose me. I had to firmly state that I am a Professional and that I was quite capable of posing on my own with his direction. I've also had a few times where I've not received photos from Photographers. So now I try and only work with Photographers that I know or ones that come with great recommendations.

26. What will you not do on a photo shoot? 

I will not shoot anything that cannot be shown to my Daughters. They are well aware of what I do (and are very proud and supportive) but I never want them to be embarrassed by the work that I've done. So my philosophy is, if I can show it to them, then it's acceptable. If I can't, then it's not for me. 

27. How long do you think you will continue to model? 

 I will continue on as a Model until there is no longer a need/want for what I do. Eventually I'd like to become an Agent. I'm confident in stating that I'd always like to be involved with Modeling, even if in my latter years, it's behind the scenes. 

  28. What is the one thing most people don't know about you that would shock them if they knew?

I come across as a "Billy Bad-Ass". This is because of how I dress, my 8 Tattoos and my 20 Piercings. What a lot of people don't know about me is, I'm a pussycat. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm very sensitive. Peoples opinions matter to me even though I give off the vibe that they don't. I've given myself this persona, image if you will, so that I don't get messed with and hurt. I have the mentality, If you can't Deal with Me at my Worst, then you don't Deserve Me at my Best. I am Loyal to a Fault and my Family/Friends/Fans know, when I care, I'm invested 100%.  

 29. When home alone what is your perfect day?

Relaxing in the hot tub with candles lit. A glass of wine and Good Music playing. 

 30. Do you have a wish-list for fans to send you stuff?

I guess I never thought about this. I would love to receive Gifts/Cards from my Fans. They can communicate directly with me on my Facebook Fan Page. 

31. Where else can fans find you?

Model Mayhem: 
Cult of Angels 
Rosie's Riveters
Syber Cyrens
Die Hard Dolls
Flip & Fly Clothing/Apparel

I hope you enjoyed this week's interview as much as I did. Becki is an amazing person, and if you get the chance to work with her I am sure will you be more than happy with the results. I look forward to the day when I get that chance.

Be sure to check out my Fan Page on Facebok-
Duke Barrett Photography


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she is like the orginal when it comes to bullshitters....yeah many other guys in between